Anniversary photography


Taking anniversary photos might seem like a frivolous investment, right? Or like another thing to stress over, or add to an already packed calendar. I’m going to let you in on a little secret… That’s exactly why you should take anniversary photos! In taking your vows, you made an investment in your relationship, and that commitment deserves to be celebrated—and commemorated! Life rarely seems to slow down. Don’t let the chapters of your life and love slip by! Trust me, you don’t need a milestone to make time for a photo shoot. Afterall, your life doesn’t happen big event to big event. So why should your photos? Need any more convincing? Whether you’ve been married one year or 100, check out my top three reasons to schedule your anniversary photos ASAP!

Celebrate the Changes

What’s your favorite part of having wedding photos? How about your engagement photos? Not only do they capture a moment in time, but they capture a time in your lives—a chapter in your love story—that’s worth keeping forever. Why should the years after be any different? Odds are, your hair has changed. Your clothing style has changed. Your relationship has changed. Life as you know it has changed! How do I know? Because we’re always growing and evolving, even in our past relationships. Anniversary photos celebrate what you’ve been through, and commemorate the changes that brought you where you are today.

Celebrate the Now

One of my favorite things about having professional photos is the legacy they leave behind. These are the images that will be passed down from your children to their children, and so on, for generations. And while it sure is fun to look back at wedding photos, it’s also important to continue that journey, and leave a legacy of lasting love. Sure, you loved each other then, but your love’s had so much time to grow since then! Your wedding photos celebrate where you were. Anniversary photos celebrate the NOW. Maybe you’ve taken up new activities together, or enjoy different food than you used to. Perhaps you live in a totally new place! No matter where life’s taken you, it’s important to celebrate where you are—the people you are, the places you like, and the way things look—now! Your love story is one for the ages. You deserve photos that reflect who you’ve grown to be together!

Celebrate Each Other

Let’s face it. Life’s probably gotten a bit more chaotic since your wedding day—especially if you’ve started a family, adopted some pets or advanced in your career! But I’m here to tell you, believe it or not, taking anniversary photos can create the ultimate date night. Really! You get to be as dressed up as you want to be to spend a few hours with each other. How often does that happen these days? I recommend making a whole night of it! Take your photos during “golden hour” in the evening, even if you’re shooting somewhere indoors, then continue the fun at dinner, a movie or show, or any of your favorite pastimes together. Who wants to waste a good outfit or hair day? Take some time to reflect and use the excuse to fall in love all over again.

Miami University Graduation Portraits
Colorado Photography
Colorado Photography


Check in time! In addition to growing my family by one precious baby girl, it was a busy season of Colorado photography, from seniors and proposals to family sessions and engagement shoots! It’s impossible to choose my favorites, but here are just a few to showcase another gorgeous mountain summer. Cheers to the upcoming fall foliage and all the winter weddings ahead!

Amelia & Finley: Class of 2024

Miten & Mital: Engagement

Wiebenga: Family

Kaelyn: Class of 2024

Kasey & Keegan: Engagement

Abby: Class of 2024

Nick & Delaney: Proposal

Colorado Senior Portrait Photographer
Colorado engagement photographer